Further records and classification of scalpellid barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica) from New Zealand

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1980
Authors:B. A. Foster
Journal:New Zealand Journal of Zoology
Keywords:New Zealand (marine), Scalpellidae

Scalpellid barnacles were collected between 1974-1979 by dredging to a maximum depth of 2515 m on the New Zealand shelf. The species are assigned to genera following recent proposals by other authors. GRAVISCALPELLUM gen. nov., (types species Scalpellum pedunculatum Hoek) is proposed for the hermaphroditic arcoscalpellids. G. persona (Annandale) comb. nov. (= S. persona) is a new record for New Zealand seas. A fuller sequence of ontogeny is described for G. intermedium (Hoek), with a proposal that Gymmoscalpellum and Litoscalpellum are synonymous. A key to the New Zealand scalpellid barnacles is given. [New records are Scillaelepas fosteri Newman, Calantica studeri (Weltner), Smilium zancleanum (Sequenza), S. acutum (Hoek), Graviscalpellum pedunculatum, Amigdoscalpellum costellatum (Withers), A. vitreum (Hoek), Gymnoscalpellum intermedium, Arcoscalpellum affricatum Foster, A. pertosum Foster, Verum novaezelandiae (Hoek) and V. raccidium (Foster).].

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith