Trianguloscalpellum ovale: checklist & remarks


Scalpellum regium Wyville-Thomson, 1873: in part, only figs 1-2; Wyville-Thomson, 1877: in part, figs 2-3; Pilsbry, 1907a: in part, only pl. III, fig. 4.
Scalpellum regium ovale: Hoek, 1883: 109, pl. V, figs 5-6.
Scalpellum gigas Gruvel, 1902a: 52 and 126, pl. II, fig. 3A, Pl. III, figs 22-26 [not Scalpellum gigas Hoek, 1883) = Trianguloscalpellum ovale (Hoek, 1883)].
Trianguloscalpellum gigas: Foster & Buckeridge, 1995b: 169, fig. 2E [not Scalpellum gigas Hoek, 1883) = Trianguloscalpellum ovale (Hoek, 1883)].
Trianguloscalpellum regium ovale: Zevina, 1981a: 311, fig. 235.
Trianguloscalpellum ovale: Young, 1998b: 32-33, fig. 21a,b; 1999: 181; 2001a: 741; 2002:  342; Poltarukha & Zevina, 2006b: 166, fig. 4; Poltarukha, 2010: 455-457, fig. 456.

Remarks: This material was dredged together with T. regium regium (W. Thomson, 1873) and it was initially considered as a subspecies. However, Young (1998 b) separated T. ovale as a distinct species basing on shell plate characters. T. ovale is also similar to T. gigas, but differs in the carina tectum and the peduncle plates (Young, 1998b).

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith