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Litoscalpellum Newman and Ross, 1971
Diagnosis: 14 capitulum plates, mostly unreduced and unspecialised; basal margin of tergum straight or with broad shallow notch; scutum sometimes with apico-lateral arm less than 1/5 of tergal border length, basal margin straight and smooth; upper latus triangular or elongate, commonly with slightly hollowed-out basal margin, rarely with deep notch; carinal latus as long as wide or slightly longer than wide, umbo subbasicarinal; inframedian latus narrow, triangular or quadrilateral, umbo apical; rostral latus wider than high, with height diminishing from lateral to rostral border; caudal appendages with 1-9 segments.
Type species: Litoscalpellum fissicarinatum Newman & Ross, 1971.
Composition: more than 26 species.
Distribution: worldwide, excluding the Arctic. Known depth range 15 to 4070 m.
Remarks. According to Zevina (1978b) type species could be (Newman & Ross, 1971) a synonym of Scalpellum korotkevitshae described earlier by Zevina (1968).