Neoscalpellum (Cirripedia)
Diagnosis: capitulum with 14 significantly reduced plates; tergum an inverted V-shape; scutum with basal margin notched and long apicolateral arm; upper latus bifid, umbo apical; carinal latus higher than wide, commonly bifurcate apically, umbo medial or submedial; inframedian latus slender, longer than wide, commonly bifurcate apically, with medial or submedial umbo; rostral latus longer than wide, with notched or bifurcate carinal margin; caudal appendage long, with 4 or more segments.
Composition: 8 species.
Distribution: worldwide. Known depth range 1600 to 6180 m.
Remarks. Scalpellum dicheloplax Pilsbry, 1907 is now considered to be a synonym of Neoscalpellum debile (Aurivillius, 1898) (see Young, 2007).
Neoscalpellum Pilsbry, 1907a: 69; Newman & Ross, 1971: 96; Zevina, 1978b: 1346.